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Who We Are

Supporting Black Entrepreneurs
& Minority-Owned Businesses

The Black Business Focus Group (The BBFG) was founded in 2015. We are an online community designed to drive peer to peer interaction amongst our membership and to help close the wealth gap and build sustainability. Our members have circulated more than $2 million with Black Owned Businesses since our inception.

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At Black Business Focus Group, we believe in the power of economic empowerment. Our mission is to create a strong entrepreneurial community where Black entrepreneurs and minority-owned businesses can connect, grow, and succeed.


Our vision is to transform the Black Community through economic and social change management.

Young Barista

How It Works

Gain exclusive access to networking events, funding resources, and support for Black businesses


The ByBlack Badge is the official seal designating a business as Black-Owned and Operated. It is awarded by the U.S. Black Chambers, Inc. & Platform. The Black Business Focus Group is proud to be certified as a Black-Owned and Operated company.


The Black Business Focus Group is a Meta Community Management Certified Company. We are recognized by Meta as having digital
expertise in Community Management. Certified employees are proven to demonstrate
increased knowledge in managing, scaling and connecting online communities on Meta technologies. They understand technology policies and regulations. They build, scale and sustain an online community by utilizing community-building strategies and tools.

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